Theories like:
"the devil and his demons are responsible for all the setbacks you face".
"your colleague must have been the person bewitching you".
"your fiancé is the devil incarnated, quit that relationship"
"the lady you discussed with in the taxi you took yesterday evening stole something from you mystically".
"God’s grace coupled with Jesus’ mercy will prevail over all evil doings in your life"… are church fallacies.
Joy, cries, anger, silence and other emotions do not move the spiritual realm around. In the invisible world, there is no "good" nor "eveil". The language understood in the invisible world is that of vibration or energy. Your deeds (both good and bad) are transformed into energy or vibration and come back to you in terms of hurdles and assets. Pastors will speak of trials and favours. As such a genuine spiritual consulation does not address your situation on the surface : what you ate yesterday... It goes as deep as it has to be – back to your ancestors on both sides (father and mother) to examine the root stem of the situation you find yourself in. Yes, the consultation must weigh your deeds to see what youd did mostly wrong to deserve this type of problem or matter.
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